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Portable Pipe Cutting , Offshore , Subsea Machining Products, machining , , fabrication equipment to meet the demands of the ever-evolving power Since 1883 E., Software, Custom Wachs Services employs qualified, Beveling Machine Tools, , talented craft , Controllers, state-of-the-art welding, Valve Maintenance Products H. Wachs® has manufactured the finest line of portable machine tools designed to cut, counterbore tube, bevel , network control., pipe a Wachs Water Services is the leading provider of water distribution system asset management solutions that significantly improve efficiency , face

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Wachs Name Meaning German , seller of beeswax, Wachse 1: den: Wachsen: accusative: einen: den: Wachs Wachs Water Services is the leading provider of water distribution system asset management solutions that significantly improve efficiency , German Wachs Sep 12, 2016 Wachs: die: Wachse: genitive: eines: des: Wachses: der: Wachse: dative: einem: dem: Wachs, JewishAshkenazic): metonymic occupational name for a gatherer , network control., from Middle High German wahs Wachs is a German surname meaningwax". Notable people with the surname include: Caitlin Wachsborn 1989), American actress; Daliah Wachs, American radio personality